Moanmore Lower Green Energy Will Generate Benefits for the Local Area

  • In line with Community Benefit Fund Guidelines, governed by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), and based on the current project scope, Moanmore Lower Green Energy will generate a Community Benefit Fund estimated at €1.1 million over the first 15 years of operation. This amounts to approximately €75,000 per annum.
  • Moanmore Lower Green Energy will work in partnership with residents in the local area to form a committee to oversee the administration of the Community Benefit Fund. The committee will be established once the project successfully completes the planning permission process.
  • The project will also support employment in the energy supply and construction/maintenance sectors, creating in excess of 25 direct and indirect jobs, based on estimates from the SEAI. The team is also committed to working with local suppliers where possible to source engineering works, materials, equipment hire and catering.

  • Our Community Engagement process will involve open discussions with local residents and interested parties, with the outcome of these discussions being used to help maximise the benefits of the project for the community.
  • The team has already engaged with landowners in the area and are commencing an extensive engagement and consultation process with a view to submitting a planning application for the project.
  • Consultation, undertaken in line with the latest public health guidelines, will also take place for those in the wider area to provide up-to-date information and opportunities for the community to understand more about the project.
  • Additionally, information has been made available online and through printed and online materials which will be kept up to date with project milestones.

  • Communities neighbouring onshore wind developments play a vital role in supporting the generation of green energy and benefit from wider investment in the area and key local projects. We are delighted to be able to work with local residents to make a difference.
  • In line with Community Benefit Fund Guidelines, governed by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), and based on the current project scope, Moanmore Lower Green Energy will generate a Community Benefit Fund estimated at €1.1 million over the first 15 years of operation.
  • The Community Benefit Fund, estimated at approximately €75,000 per annum, will be allocated in accordance with guidelines, as follows:

    • Local communities will benefit from locally generated green energy and a reduction in carbon emissions once the project is connected to the national grid.
    • The project will provide the capacity to power more than 7,500 homes.
    • Once the project is operational, it is estimated that a reduction in carbon emissions of up to 8,000 tonnes of CO2 per year will be achieved.